A5. Rules of Saluting

Dress  Situation Correct Response


Uniform US flag is raised or lowered *Note: Accompanied by Reveille or Retreat or National Anthem being played  Stop, stand at attention, face the flag and salute until flag is finished being raised or lowered or last note of music is played.
Uniform  US Flag passes by Stop, stand at attention and salute until flag is 6 paces away
Uniform Pass by an officer Salute and greet him/her 6 paces away, continue walking without stopping
Uniform Pass an officer from behind  Salute and greet with “By your leave, Sir/Ma’am” and  continue walking without stopping
Uniform Reporting to an officer  Salute and say “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting as ordered.”
Uniform  Reporting to an NCO  Stand at Parade Rest and say “Sergeant (or First  Sergeant or Sergeant Major), Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting as ordered.”
Uniform Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Salute and recite the pledge
Civilian  US flag is raised or lowered
*Note: Accompanied by Reveille or Retreat or National Anthem being played 
Stop, stand at attention, put your hand over your heart, and face the flag until it is finished being raised or lowered or last note of music is played.
Civilian  US Flag passes by  Stop, stand at attention until flag is 6 paces away
Civilian Pass by an officer Greet him/her 6 paces away, continue walking
Civilian  Pass an officer from behind  Greet with “By your leave, Sir/Ma’am” and continue walking without stopping
Civilian  Reporting to an officer  Stand at attention and say “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting as ordered.”
Civilian Reporting to an NCO  Stand at parade rest and say “Sergeant (or First Sergeant or Sergeant Major), Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting as ordered.”


Civilian Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Place your hand over your heart and recite the pledge
Uniform US flag is raised or lowered  Entire Formation Salutes at “Present, Arms” Command
Uniform  An officer passes by  Formation’s leader salutes on behalf of the unit, continues marching without stopping. If at Parade Rest or At Ease, the formation is called to Attention.
Civilian US flag is raised or lowered  Entire formation stands at attention and salutes
Civilian An officer passes by  Formation’s leader greets officer on behalf of the unit, continues marching without stopping.  If at Parade Rest or At Ease, the formation is called to Attention


Uniform or Civilian  Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Stand at attention, place your hand over your heart and recite the Pledge
Uniform or Civilian  Reporting to an officer  Salute and say “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting as ordered.”
Uniform or Civilian Reporting for a Board Salute the Board President and say “Sir/Ma’am/Sergeant Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting for board.”
Uniform or Civilian  Reporting to an NCO  Stand at parade rest and say “Sergeant (or First Sergeant or Sergeant Major), Cadet (include your rank and name) reporting as ordered.”
Uniform or Civilian Pass by an officer or passing from behind  Greet officer
Uniform or Civilian  US Flag passes by; National anthem is Sung  Stand at attention and place your hand over your heart (If in civilian clothes)


                    What to Salute

   Flag of the United States:
​   -As it’s being raised or lowered
   -As it’s passing by in a parade
   -As you are passing by it in a parade
   -As you are pledging allegiance outdoors (CACC-only)
               Commander in Chief:

   -President of the United States
   -Governor of the State of California

   Officers in the CACC:
   -Warrant Officers
   -Company Grade Officers (2LT-CPT)
   -Field Grade Officers (MAJ-COL)
   Officers in the military:
   -Air Force
   -Coast Guard
   -California State Military Forces
   -Officers of Foreign countries
    (If you recognize them)
   Congressional Medal of Honor winners (of any rank)