C3. Executing a Dining In/Out/Ball


Receiving Line

The receiving line is formed from right to left.  It is formed in order of rank with the guest or guests of honor immediately to the left of the President of the Mess.  The president is on the right of the receiving line with the American Flag directly behind his right shoulder and the guest of honor to his left.  The Adjutant (or receiving line manager) is positioned to the right of the President.  As you proceed through the line and come abreast of the Adjutant, announce your name but do not shake hands.  Never assume that the Adjutant will automatically remember your name.  The Adjutant will in turn introduce you to the President of the Mess, whereby you exchange handclasps and greetings.  The President will then introduce you to the person to his left and the procedure will be repeated through the receiving line.  Should your name become lost in the process, repeat it to the person being greeted.  Always face the person being greeted and move promptly to the next person.  It’s a good idea to disseminate these instructions and the rules of the mess to participants ahead of time, and to potentially have some copies available in the lounge/cocktail area/foyer for inexperienced participants to review before they proceed through the receiving line.